Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day one begins...

I wok up this morning with the intention of having 2 pieces of 12 grain toast with a bit of honey.... but no. We have no bread. So, I toyed with the idea of cinnamon toast crunch and thought better of it. Eating that would defeat the idea of knowing what I am eating. I am certain that I could hardly pronounce many of the ingredients in such a delicious cereal.

Faced with these obstacles I chose to make blueberry pancakes. Now I know, not diet food, but I knew what was in them because I made them myself. I ate 2 with a little Fosterholm maple syrup (which I highly recommend!) and one cup of 100% pure orange juice.

Since this project is about balance, and I chose such a calorie rich breakfast, I plan on having a chickpea salad for lunch and bbq'd steak and roasted green peppers for supper.... I would say that would make for a pretty good diet day.

Standby to see if I stick to my plan.



  1. Hey Tiff!
    I KNOW you can do it. I am having the same problem, so I know exactly how you feel. I am on the journey with you. Maybe we can help each other out? Need a workout buddy?
    Love ya (no matter what size!)

  2. Hey Shan! Thanks so much for your support! A workout buddy would be great! I was thinking I might start rollerblading or running again.... let me know if you would like to join... I just have to wait till it warms up a bit more cause the cold weather kills my lungs! love ya.... no matter what size too! xoxox

  3. I would have to start with walking (briskly). I have asthma and running is really hard on me. On a positive note...I live right where the trails are! Give me a call and we can arrange something.
