Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Fun Fun Ouch!

So, I managed to make it to my second running class, although I felt sick to my stomach just thinking about going tonight. But, I was there and ready to work.

Tonight's work out was something out of my worst nightmares. We ran around a block... 400m x 400m. But on alternating sides of that block we had to full out sprint. Uh huh. I did it, but I almost tossed my cookies all over someone's front lawn. Thanks to my new running pal Lana who kept pushing me to go further, faster and harder. I managed to make it through that only to find myself inside doing a little plyometric training to top it all off. Let me tell you.... my abs hurt, my legs hurt, my back hurts and my lungs hurt. But I feel so awesome at the same time.

Today's food intake went as follows: Breakfast was 1/2 bar, a yogourt and a cup of tea. Lunch was 2 pieces of weight watchers bread, 5 strips of chicken bacon, and 2 eggs over easy and a cup of tea. Snack was 1/3 of a bar (and one mini egg that Nevaeh said was so delicious cause it had caramel in the middle, so I had to try it) and a cup of tea. Dinner was carbalicious! I had a bowl of miniwheats as I wasn't sure I could handle much more before heading to the Y.

I came home and drank some more water, which is likely the second bottle today, so not so good on the H2O front.

I am feeling a little like I am catching something as my throat is a bit sore and that, so I think I will take it pretty easy tomorrow and get some more fruit and veg in.

That said, did any of you watch Oprah today? She had this author but the name of Geneen Roth on there today and they were discussing her new book Women Food and God. According to everything that I have heard this book is supposed to be changing lives. I felt so inspired watching her that I immediately went out and bought it.... (keep in mind, that's kind of a big deal since I'm kinda

Once I get started reading it I will certainly post my thoughts... in fact anyone else interested in reading, or already doing so, feel free to post your thoughts here.

Here's the link incase anyone wants to purchase or read more:

Thanks again everyone for your continued support!


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Running girl...

So, I went to my first learn to run class yesterday and I LOVE it.... despite the pain.

Yesterday was my first week, but the classes second week. We started with a lap of the YMCA yard and then headed out for a 3 km run. According to the instructor I ran 80% of that 3km. The first half I managed to run straight through. After the run we went into the Y and did some core, triceps and leg work. My abs are really tender today and my legs are aching. But I'm going back!

My plan is to run Monday, Wednesday with the class, and Friday on my own. On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday I plan on walking. And then Sunday will be a day off.

I have stuck at my low carb diet today, eating half a bar and a yogourt for breakfast, a weight watchers cookie for snack, a roast beef sandwich on weight watchers bread for lunch, and a hamburger/asparagus/mushroom/onion/cheese mix up for dinner. I haven't had as much water as I have in recent days, but I have still drank some.

Here's to another great day tomorrow and a great run. Here's hoping I don't have another bought of weezy lungs (like I did last night) and hoping that my legs carry me all the way through the run.
