Saturday, April 10, 2010

Back ONline

Phew! After I was left computerless for a couple of very stressful days, I am finally back online. A special thanks goes out to my guardian angel that helped me when my old macbook died.

That said, I was obviously super stressed and OVERATE! I know.... there should be no excuse and I should have stayed on track, but I just couldn't get it together. If I told you everything I ate in the last 2 days I think you might be tempted to verbally assault me for my weakness and complete lack of willpower.

It is for that reason that I will NOT be writing a food journal covering the last 48 hours. I would be lying if I said I thought that that was the right thing to do. I should probably disclose my dirty little diet secrets for the web to see, but I can't. I can't tell you how I sat with my grandmother on her nursing home bed today and ate easter eggs and chips. I can't tell you how I pigged out on Greek Oasis chicken souvlaki, salad, potatoes, and rice.... followed by a greek custard smothered in baklava...... to tell you all that would simply be embarrassing.

So, again, the plan for tomorrow is to get it together. I am going to blog (since I have a computer and can do that now) everything I eat, and the exercise I partake in. I will be strong, I will stick to the plan, and I will get healthy.

Thanks to all of those who have showed their support and will continue to follow along... without further delay.... T.J. Shrinks!



  1. Its OK to have a cheat day! Everyone does it!! I can't be one to give exercise or dieting advice for obvious reasons!
    But try not to beat yourself up for having a cheat day. It will feel good to do that every once in awhile!

  2. You're right Lisa... It's tough sometimes, and I really don't want this to be a "diet".... I'd rather it be a change in my perception of food. I want to be able to view food as nourishment instead of the enemy.
