Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Busy Busy Busy!

I have been living in a nut house.
So, for the last month, I haven't had a stove. For the last three weeks I have had no kitchen cabinets. For the last two weeks I have had no counters. For three days we survived without a sink in our kitchen. Today, I have cabinets, a sink (and a half), a stove and some makeshift counters. Within the next week I will have real counter tops, a pantry to store my food in, a dishwasher (for the first time in three years!), cabinet doors and even a nice new floor. Maybe then I will want to clean again.
Needless to say, with renos and trying to get organized, I have not had five minutes to myself today and zero time to walk. However, none of this stopped me from sticking to my diet today.
Breakfast was vanilla cottage cheese and coffee. Lunch was once piece of whole grain bread with margarine, mayo and low fat turkey breast. I had two low carb cookies for my snack with a cup of coffee and dinner was 4 scrambled eggs with feta and roasted red pepper and a bottle of water. Dessert, was another low carb cookie. Probably not the best choice, but it beat the alternative.
Here's to a slightly less hectic day tomorrow and a clean house. :)

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